Acupuncture Greenwood
For thousands of years, acupuncture has been a healing modality used all over the world. It’s based on Chinese Medicine and the idea of energy, or qi that flows through specific meridians in the body. An imbalance of energy results in disease. To restore the balance, needles can be inserted at precise points along the meridians. This action creates a cascade of healing effects.
The Incredible Effects of Acupuncture
Though acupuncture has been in use for thousands of years, researchers still aren’t certain why it works. Studies suggest that it produces different effects on the body and brain, such as activating the hormones that make us feel less pain.
A study showing images of the brain during acupuncture confirmed that it increases our pain threshold. This effect may explain why so many people experience long-term pain relief with acupuncture. It also boosts your blood circulation and body temperature and affects the activity of white blood cells, which are responsible for your immune function. Additionally, acupuncture cuts down your triglyceride and cholesterol levels while regulating blood sugar.
You might be surprised about the many conditions and ailments that can be addressed through acupuncture. The World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health and American Academy of Medical Acupuncture report that acupuncture is effective in treating many concerns. These include
- Addiction
- Anorexia
- Asthma
- Back/neck pain
- Bladder/kidney infections
- Depression and anxiety
- Digestive troubles
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches and migraines
- Infertility
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Low back pain
- Multiple sclerosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Sinusitis
- Sports injuries
- Sprain/strain
- Tendonitis
- And many more
You are not required to be a chiropractic patient with us to schedule for acupuncture treatment. There are, however, a large number of complaints that can benefit from having both acupuncture and chiropractic. We’ll be pleased to evaluate you and make our recommendations as to what you can benefit most from.
The first step is to fill out some paperwork for your acupuncture visit. You can find these forms on our website if you’d like to complete them before you arrive, which can save some time.
Your acupuncturist will ask questions and may take your pulse or look at your tongue. Your skin, posture and other characteristics may also be studied, as they offer important clues about your health. After lying down on a comfortable table, hair-thin acupuncture needles will be inserted. You may not feel anything as it goes in or a quick twinge that disappears after the needle is in.
You’ll then rest for 15-60 minutes. Most people doze off or feel incredibly relaxed during their acupuncture session. At the end of your time, your acupuncturist will remove the needles, and you’ll be on your way.
The number of sessions we recommend to you will depend on your particular complaint and your current level of health. A simple issue like a wrist sprain may require just one treatment, while a long-term problem may need ongoing acupuncture sessions. We will give you a better idea of what you can expect after your initial consultation with us.
Of the many studies done on acupuncture over the years, there are few adverse effects. During pregnancy, there are certain points that are contraindicated. Be sure your acupuncturist is aware of any other treatments you’re doing or medications you’re taking. If we believe that you may not be a candidate for acupuncture, we’ll inform you immediately.
You should try to avoid heavy meals, drinking alcohol, physical activity or sexual activity for eight hours following an acupuncture session.
Insurance Information for Acupuncture
Some insurance providers cover all or part of your acupuncture treatments. Many providers don’t, however, and some may have restrictions on which type of ailments they cover for acupuncture. At Storm Chiropractic Clinic, we recommend you call your insurance company so that you exactly know what your coverage will be.
If you are having a particularly tender or sensitive area treated, you may feel the needle being inserted. This twinge is quick, however, and won’t last for your entire session. If you feel prolonged discomfort, please let us know immediately.
Acupuncture has produced incredible results for a broad range of concerns. If you want to know whether it’s right for you, the best course of action is to set up a consultation with Dr. Storm. He’ll let you know if it’s appropriate for you and likely to get you the results you want.
Are the needles like what I’ve seen in a medical doctor’s office?
Acupuncture needles are not at all like what you may have seen to get injections or vaccinations. Those needles are far larger. Acupuncture needles are thin and hair-like, which is why acupuncture is comfortable and easily tolerated.
How long will my acupuncture appointments be?
The duration of your appointment will depend on the area being addressed. The time range can vary but is typically between 15 minutes and an hour.
Who performs acupuncture at your office?
All acupuncture is done by Dr. Storm, who has years of experience. Your sessions will be conducted one-on-one with Dr. Storm at our Greenwood location.
Call Today
Our team is here to take your call. Contact us now to book your first appointment for acupuncture Greenwood!
Acupuncture Greenwood IN | (317) 885-8520
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